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Showing posts from January, 2019

Hello?-- Call Me, Please?

The phrase for the week is "Pick Up The Phone." When in doubt about tone or intent, pick up the phone and talk! Let’s face it, something you think is pretty funny, may be lost on someone else.   It bears repeating here that people from different cultures and backgrounds speak and write differently.   You may convince yourself that it’s quicker to send a request or reply by email or text, but if you now have a thread of 10 or more responses, something else is not getting done. Practice my 2-by-2 rule for one week and measure the impact. If you’ve sent two emails or texts and the other person has sent two on the same subject, pick up the phone and stop the madness! I pick up the phone when I realize I’m having a conversation through text or email. Share your progress:

Return to a Life of Service

The word for the week is "Return." Return the smile, return the compliment, return the touch, return the gift, return the favor! Today, we celebrate the life and legacy of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. He was a servant leader that encouraged each of us to make service to others a part of our lives and work. Not everybody can be famous, but everybody can be great because greatness is determined by service.” -- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Check this out!!! Stephanie Brown of the University of Michigan did a study on seniors and found that individuals who provided practical help to friends, relatives, or neighbors, or gave emotional support to their spouses, had a lower risk of dying over a five-year period than those who didn’t. Interestingly, receiving help wasn’t linked to a reduced death risk. Not enough time?  There are benefits to writing a check! Another study found that giving money to someone else lifted participants’ happiness more th...

Focus to Get More Done!!

The word for the week is "Focus." Distractions!!!   Abolish them. Eliminate them.   Send them to their rooms.   Easy for me to say!   Are you sitting down? I recently read a study that shows that people are most able to truly  focus best for an average of only six hours each week.   No wonder we aren’t getting anything done!   And all this time I thought it was too many meetings and not enough sleep. In the book, “Eat That Frog”, Brian Tracy states: I figured out long ago I do my best work early morning.   Anything I’ve done late night requires a note from home asking for a do over.   If you haven’t settled in on what time of day and where you do your best work, note it and file it for future use when focus is required.   I focus on the things that really matter at my high productive time of day. Share your progress:

Reflect, Replenish and Refresh for 2019!!

The phrase for the week is "Reflect, Replenish and Refresh” Last week, we brought in a new year, 2019!!  Spend this week reflecting, replenishing and refreshing you! Each day this week, pick a thought, action, or idea you would like to reflect on.   Perhaps something that is gnawing at your subconscious or something you filed for later review. Become aware of your feelings about the reflection and replenish your thoughts with new feelings or thoughts you may have dismissed or overlooked. Finally, reframe the reflection by creating an intimacy with you and the thought, action or idea. Own it.   Ask yourself, what have I learned from this?   How can I use this insight to fuel my passions for the rest of 2019, for the future? What is the one thing you can do this week to make a change in your life? I pause for 30 minutes each day to reflect, replenish and refresh. Share your progress: