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Showing posts from November, 2018

The Word for the Week is "Flexibility"

Be flexible in every way this week! Yes, there is a right way and a wrong way to build flexibility.   It starts with our own emotional intelligence and how we react to change--it’s our behavior.   I’ve only heard “be more flexible” when someone is trying to convince me to do something I don’t agree with. And, since no one is perfect, and being flexible and adaptable are learned and not inherent in our DNA, do we have to work like an Olympic gymnast to develop these mental muscles? The good news?   No!   We can become more flexible without the rigor of a daily six-hour workout.   The bad news?   Yes!   We must be committed, aware of our own limitations and work through the pain to achieve medal-winning behavioral change. We find we are more flexible in certain situations.   For example, I’m more flexible when the dentist moves closer to my mouth with the drill.   I’m less flexible when I order apple pie and receive chocolate cake. ...

The Word for the Week is "Calm"

Be Calm! It is hard to think things through when you are surrounded by chaos and you become overwhelmed. Chaos creates stress.   When taken in small doses, stress can actually serve as a motivator and help you produce your best work.   However, chaos is a de-motivator and an unhealthy stress generator.   When everything becomes a priority and that overwhelming feeling takes over, it is time to hit the pause button and reach for your mental health toolbox!   To unlock the toolbox, you must first answer these questions: 1.     What/Who is the cause of your stress?   Don’t rule out “you” too quickly. 2.     Is this getting us to the cure for cancer or world peace?--act accordingly. 3.     What’s your immediate course of action?--begin with the desired outcome in mind. Knowing how to remain calm in times of chaos and stress can lead to a healthier life.   Place these tools in your toolbox: ...

Word for the Week is "Appreciate"

"Appreciate" -- Use it in a response or statement at least 3 times each day this week. Don’t just say it, see it!   When you show or acknowledge that you appreciate someone, you provide them with a “boomerang gift.”   The gift comes back to you, wielding its unlimited power of transformation.   The receiver gets an emotional lift and you benefit from having witnessed or felt something worth appreciating.   Who benefits the most is up for debate.   What’s no longer up for debate is the fact that looking at works of art can be as enjoyable as staring into the eyes of someone you love. Until recently, I had no idea that viewing paintings engages a number of different regions of the brain--vision, pleasure, memory, recognition and emotions. When scientists showed their study participant different paintings, they used brain scans to measure the most powerful 'pleasure' response in those taking part.   The artworks found to be most beautiful induce...

Become inspired Through Reflection

Reflect on all you’ve accomplished! Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could take a mini vacation each week?   We could then go to a special place where we can unwind and literally wash ourselves of all the grit and grime that life heaves upon us daily.   Imagine baring your soul to the universe, declaring your independence from all the wondering and worry. Just for this week, only focus on all the great things you’ve accomplished to-date.   You have my permission to go back in time as far as your mind can recall.   I remember how excited I felt when I won first or second place (don’t remember exactly) in a school art contest in the third grade.   I literally thought I’d come apart at the seams if anyone touched me.   I now know I was about to burst with pride.   I carried that feeling of elation around like a security blanket for weeks on end.   I had really done my best work drawing a picture of Little Red Riding Hood with the Big Bad ...